Year In Review - Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 41531)

Review Of Material Covered Throughout The School Year. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Normally one cash crop is grown on a large farm, or ___________________________.
a) plantation
b) indigo
c) debtors

Sailors use _______________________ to figure out the direction the ship is going and follow routes at sea.
a) merchant
b) barter
c) navigation

A(n)____________ is a person who studies tools, bones, and remains of ancient people
a) civilization
b) archaeologist
c) irrigation

Bison skins could be used to make a cone-shaped home called a ______________.
a) teepee
b) lodge
c) travois

Which of the following groups formed to prevent African Americans from gaining equal rights?
a) Freedman's Bureau
b) sharecroppers
c) the Jim Crow society
d) the Ku Klux Klan

What effect did the Emancipation Proclamation have on the Union Army?
a) Thousands of free African Americans joined Union Army.
b) Many Union soldiers gave up and headed for home.
c) Women were allowed to enlist in the Union Army.
d) Thousands of free African Americas joined the Confederate Army.

What was the first major battle in the Civil War?
a) Battle of Anaconda
b) Battle of Vicksburg
c) Battle of Shiloh
d) Battle of Bull Run

In the 1800s, what did the economy of the South depend on the most?
a) industry
b) tobacco
c) tourists
d) cotton

People who traveled on the Underground Railroad were called __________________.
a) sailors
b) passengers
c) conductors
d) operators

A colonial ________________ was a young person who learned a trade or craft by working with a skilled adult.
a) apprentice
b) Great Awakening
c) backcountry

When colonists made _________________, they were making laws.
a) assembly
b) legislation

Liberties and freedoms of people in the United States are listed in the ______________________________.
a) Supreme Court
b) ratify
c) Bill of Rights

A _________________________ did not allow slavery.
a) slave state
b) tariff
c) free state

The __________________ of a government includes elected people who make laws.
a) Articles of Confederation
b) arsenal
c) legislature

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