Sedimentary Rocks Question Preview (ID: 41518)

Sedimentary Rocks. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What are sedimentary rocks?
a) Rocks formed with heat
b) Rocks formed using other pieces of rock
c) Rocks formed using mud

How are sedimentary rocks formed?
a) Sediment is placed; minerals crystallize; they become compacted; sediments harden; rocks form
b) Molten rock is heated up; comes to the surface; cools and rocks form
c) Sediment is placed; they become compacted; minerals crystallize; sediments harden; rocks form

What are the types of sedimentary rock?
a) Igneous; Metamorphic; Sedimentary
b) Clastic; Igneous; Sedimentary
c) Chemical; Clastic; Inorganic
d) Organic; Clastic; Chemical

What is the most common sedimentary rock?
a) Chemical
b) Clastic
c) Organic

Example of clastic sedimentary rock is...
a) Coal
b) Gypsum
c) Salt
d) Sandstone

Clastic rocks are...
a) Made from heat
b) Made when water evaporates and minerals crystallize
c) Made from dead animals/plants
d) Made from pieces of other rocks

What are chemical rocks?
a) Formed from dead animals/plants
b) Form when water evaporates and mineral crystallize
c) Form from other pieces of rocks

What is an example of a chemical rock?
a) Halite
b) Coal
c) Sandstone

What is an organic rock?
a) Form when water evaporates and mineral crystallize
b) Form from other pieces of rocks
c) Formed from dead animals/plants

Example of organic rocks are...
a) Coal
b) Sandstone
c) Shale
d) Diamonds

What does strata tell us about rocks?
a) When the rocks were made
b) Relative date of rocks
c) If water was there
d) If it was once windy

What do mud cracks, cross-bedding, and ripple marks tell us about rocks?
a) There was a hurricane
b) There was a lot going on
c) There was once water or wind in the area
d) There was a natural disaster

What is cross-bedding?
a) When the rocks are horizontal
b) When the rocks erode
c) When the rock layers go in different directions due to water/wind moving sediment
d) When the rock layers go in different directions due to sunlight

What are ripple marks?
a) Waves in the water
b) Waves in the sky
c) Waves in the rocks

What are mud cracks?
a) When mud gets wet and dries up
b) When sediment dries up after soaking in water
c) When mud gets wet, compacts, and dries up

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