Prefix Non- Question Preview (ID: 41512)

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not made with milk or other dairy products
a) nonhuman
b) nontoxic
c) nondairy
d) nonfat

does not contain fat
a) nontoxic
b) nonverbal
c) nondairy
d) nonfat

not fiction; real; true; factual
a) nonfiction
b) nonsense
c) nonverbal
d) nonprofit

not of the human species
a) nonsense
b) nonhuman
c) nonfat
d) nonverbal

not in the business to make a profit; for charity
a) nonsense
b) nonverbal
c) nonprofit
d) nondairy

something that does not make sense; something that is silly or foolish
a) nonverbal
b) nondairy
c) nonprofit
d) nonsense

not harmful
a) nonhuman
b) does not contain fat
c) nontoxic
d) nonfiction

not using speech; using little or no oral language
a) nonverbal
b) nonprofit
c) nonfiction
d) nonhuman

Today I read a ________________ book giving lots of factual details about the American Revolution.
a) nonprofit
b) nonfiction
c) nonverbal
d) nonsense

The Crayola markers were __________________, so they were to harmful to any kids using them.
a) nonverbal
b) nonfat
c) nonsense
d) nontoxic

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