Scrib, Script Vocabulary Review Question Preview (ID: 41459)
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Which term means a short dedication written in a book or engraved on something?
a) postscript
b) inscription
c) subscription
d) manuscript
What term means a piece of writing that is written by hand; a book?
a) postscript
b) scribe
c) inscription
d) manuscript
What term means a short bit of writing added after a letter is finished?
a) postscript
b) prescription
c) subscription
d) inscription
What term means a piece of paper written by a doctor that lets you get medicine at the pharmacy?
a) subscription
b) prescription
c) inscription
d) manuscript
What term means a person who writes things down?
a) manuscript
b) postscript
c) scribe
d) subscription
What term means a written agreement to buy and read a magazine or newspaper for a set period of time?
a) subscription
b) postscript
c) scribe
d) manuscript
At the end of the letter, Ny'Ashia added a ____ to include information that she forgot to put into the letter.
a) manuscript
b) scribe
c) inscription
d) postscript
Dekayta decided to write a ____ about her 7th grade year.
a) postscript
b) prescription
c) manuscript
d) subscription
As I toured the old cemetary in Charleston, I thought the ___ on the tombstones were very interesting.
a) postscript
b) inscription
c) scribe
d) subscription
One of Will's favorite magazines is Sports Illustrated for Kids, so he decided to purchase a ____ in order to receive it every month.
a) subscription
b) prescription
c) scribe
d) manuscript
During Medieval times, monks were used as ____ because they were the only people that knew how to write.
a) scribes
b) manuscripts
c) subscriptions
d) postscriptions
After Heaven went to the doctor, she was given a ____ to get her medicine.
a) postscript
b) subscription
c) manuscript
d) prescription
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