Cam Cold War Study Guide 2 Question Preview (ID: 41391)
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Who led the U.S. Troops at the beginning of the Korean War?
a) Douglas MacArthur
b) Eisenhower
c) FDR
d) General Lee
What country got involved in the war as the U.N. forces pushed northward through North Korea?
a) China
b) Japan
c) South Korea
d) Tawain
What campaign promise helped to get Eisenhower elected President?
a) He would end the Korean War
b) Higher Minimum Wage
c) He would end the cold war
d) More jobs
In what years did the Korean war begin and end?
a) 1950-1953
b) 1950-1954
c) 1951-1953
d) 1951-1954
What government agency was started to investigate communist activities in the U.S.?
a) House Un-American Activities Committee
b) Senate Un-American Activities Committee
c) House Non-American Activities Committee
d) Senate Non-American Activities Committee
What did Joseph McCarthy do in Congress without much concrete evidence?
a) He started accusing people
b) I have no clue
c) He became a recluse
d) He passed a lot of bills
What did the Soviets do by 1953 that upset the U.S.?
a) They developed an atomic and hydrogen bomb
b) They won the arms race
c) They spread communism throughout the world
d) They played ra ra rasputin one too many times
What is the “arms race”?
a) Competition between the U.S and the Soviet Union to see which had more and destructive weapons.
b) The development of the atom and the hydrogen bombs
c) Competition between the Japan and the Soviet Union to see which had more and destructive weapons.
d) Competition between the U.S and Japan to see which had more and destructive weapons.
Why were the Americans worried about the launch of Sputnik?
a) Because they did not think the Soviet Union could pull it off.
b) Because Sputnik crashed
c) Because the moon landing had already happened
d) Because the launch of Sputnik was a hoax
What was the baby boom?
a) 77.3 million americans were born between 1945 and 1964
b) 80 million americans were born between 1945 and 1964
c) 77.3 million americans were born between 1940 and 1964
d) It was a bunch of exploding babies (ouch)
What did the Highway Act of 1956 do?
a) This act created Expressways so that it takes shorter time to get places.
b) This act created subways so that it takes shorter time to get places.
c) This act allowed for more multi-lane roads
d) This act allowed speed limits on roads to be increased, so it took less time to get places.
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