Catapult Vocabulary No. 1 (13 Questions) Question Preview (ID: 41340)

Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What component are used to make a battery?
a) Urnanium
b) Cobolt
c) Beta Radiation
d) None of the available choices.

______________ is the branch of physics or technology concerned with the mechanical properties of gases
a) Pnuematics
b) Hydroponics
c) Hydraulic science
d) Radiobiology

What is the purpose of a Regulator in Catapult terminology?
a) A device used to control the the flow rate of gas or fluids.
b) A person that regulates something, such as tax rates.
c) A person or body that supervises a particular industry or business activity.
d) None of the available choices.

What is an Actuator in Catapult terminology?
a) A component of a machine that is responsible for moving and controlling a mechanism
b) A device used to control the the flow rate of gas or fluids.
c) None of the available choices.
d) Both 1 and 2

What materials can a reservoir tank hold?
a) Air
b) Water
c) Fuel
d) All of the available choices

What is a shutoff valve used for?
a) To isolate the flow of material in a piping system.
b) To regulate the flow of material in a piping system.
c) To increase the flow rate of material in a piping system.
d) To divert the flow of material in a piping system.

______________ Law states that the pressure and volume of a gas have an inverse relationship, when temperature is held constant.
a) Boyles Law
b) Newtons 2nd Law of Motion
c) Newtons 1st Law of Motion
d) Newtons 3rd Law of Motion

The best definition of a Solenoid valve is that it a a valve that is ___________________.
a) electromechanically operated.
b) hydracully operated.
c) pneumatically operated.
d) manually operated.

The volume of air, fluid, or material flowing through an area each second is the definition of ______________________
a) flow rate.
b) pressure.
c) volume.
d) area.

What is a Cradle in Catapult terminology?
a) The part of a catapult that holds the projectile.
b) The part of a catapult that provides the spring on a catapult.
c) The part of a catapult that holds the beam in place.
d) The part of a catapult that provides support for the beam.

Which formula is used to calculate force?
a) f equals M/a
b) I equals E/R
c) A equals LW
d) d equals 2r

When should procedures be used?
a) Whenever the incorrect operation of an item could cause a safety problem.
b) Never
c) Always
d) Both 1 and 3

What is meant by the term varability?
a) The lack of consistency or fixed pattern; liability to vary or change.
b) The stability of procedure
c) Both 1 and 2
d) None of the available choices

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