Conflict Question Preview (ID: 41325)
VA SOL 6.5g. Explain How Character And Plot Development Are Used In A Selection To Support A Central Conflict Or Story Line.
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The central character faces opposition from another person or group of people.
a) man vs. society
b) man vs. man
c) man vs. himsef
d) man vs. nature
The central character faces an internal struggle.
a) man vs. society
b) man vs. man
c) man vs. himself
d) man vs. nature
The central character or group of characters battles against oppositional traditions, institutions, or laws.
a) man vs. man
b) man vs. himself
c) man vs. technology
d) man vs. society
The central character struggles against animals, the elements, or other natural forces.
a) man vs. society
b) man vs. nature
c) man vs. man
d) man vs. supernatural
The central character is challenged by forces that are not of this world.
a) man vs. nature
b) man vs. man
c) man vs. supernatural
d) man vs. society
The central character struggles with or against the forces of technology.
a) man vs. nature
b) man vs. supernatural
c) man vs. technology
d) man vs. man
A small group of human survivors resist a conquering robot army.
a) man vs. man
b) man vs. supernatural
c) man vs. technology
d) man vs. himself
Two former friends compete for the same scholarship.
a) man vs. man
b) man vs. society
c) man vs. himself
d) man vs. nature
A young boy digs a hole in his backyard and finds a gateway to another dimension, one which is filled with monsters.
a) man vs. man
b) man vs. supernatural
c) man vs. society
d) man vs. nature
A team of arctic fisherman struggle to survive after they are shipwrecked.
a) man vs. man
b) man vs. himself
c) man vs. nature
d) man vs. society
An African American man challenges the practices of racial profiling and police brutality in his community.
a) man vs. man
b) man vs. society
c) man vs. himself
d) man vs. technology
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