Prefix E-, Ex- Review Question Preview (ID: 41302)

Remember That The Prefix E- And Ex- Mean Out, Out Of, And Outside. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

to throw out with force, authority, or influence
a) emit
b) eject
c) expand
d) exclude

to send out something like a sound or smell
a) exclude
b) extinguish
c) emit
d) exhale

to force out or release something; to explode
a) erupt
b) exhale
c) expand
d) eject

to go out beyond; to be outside and beyond what is expected
a) extinguish
b) exceed
c) erupt
d) expand

to leave out
a) exhale
b) extinguish
c) eject
d) exclude

to breathe out
a) expand
b) exhale
c) emit
d) erupt

to stretch out; to make or become larger
a) eject
b) exceed
c) expand
d) emit

to put out a fire; to bring to an end
a) eject
b) emit
c) exhale
d) extinguish

When you are playing outside at recess, please do not ______________ anyone from kickball if they want to participate.
a) expand
b) eject
c) exclude
d) exceed

Out, out of, outside is the meaning of which prefixes?
a) e-, ex-
b) non-
c) il-, im-, in-, ir-
d) de-

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