Geology Vocabulary Review Question Preview (ID: 41299)

Geology Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A supercontinent where ALL the land on Earth was connected together
a) Divergent
b) Pangea
c) Plate Tectonic
d) Convergent

A large piece of the Earths crust that can be either Oceanic (under the ocean) crust or Continental (land based) crust
a) Pangea
b) Divergent
c) Convergent
d) Plate Tectonic

A boundary between two tectonic plates that are moving AWAY from each other.
a) Divergent
b) Plate Tectonic
c) Transform
d) Convergent

A boundary between two tectonic plates that are moving TOWARD each other.
a) Divergent
b) Transform
c) Convergent
d) Plate Tectonic

A boundary between two tectonic plates that are SLIDING PAST each other.
a) Transform
b) Convergent
c) Divergent
d) plate tectonic

A convergent boundary where one plate gets pulled under the other – usually between oceanic and continental crust.
a) Plate boundary
b) Divergent
c) Transform
d) Subduction

Evidence of plate movement on the earth. Ex. Volcanoes, Trenches, Rift Valleys, etc.
a) Elevation
b) Crustal Features
c) Contour Interval-
d) Contour Lines

The difference in elevation between the contour lines.
a) Crustal Features
b) Contour Interval
c) Contour Lines
d) Elevation

The height above a certain level – usually above sea level.
a) Elevation
b) Contour Lines
c) Contour Interval
d) Crustal Features

A line on a map showing points with equal elevation (height) above sea level.
a) Contour Lines
b) Elevation
c) Crustal Features
d) Contour Interval

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