Decolonization And Nationalism Question Preview (ID: 41297)

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One reason Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, and Fidel Castro rose to power was that these leaders
a) promoted capitalism and democracy
b) gained the support of the peasants
c) represented the interests of rich landowners
d) wanted their countries to stress religious values

The difficult, year-long journey made by Mao Zedong and his Communist followers in 1934 through China’s mountains, marshes, and rivers was called the
a) Cultural Revolution
b) Boxer Rebellion
c) Great Leap Forward
d) Long March

The Boxer Rebellion and the work of Sun Yixian (Sun Yat-sen) are most closely associated with the
a) Long March
b) Golden Age of China
c) Cultural Revolution
d) rise of nationalism in China

Which set of events in 19th- and 20th-century Chinese history is in the correct chronological order?
a) Great Leap Forward → Opium Wars → Long March → Four Modernizations
b) Four Modernizations → Long March → Opium Wars → Great Leap Forward
c) Opium Wars → Long March → Great Leap Forward → Four Modernizations
d) Long March → Four Modernizations → Great Leap Forward → Opium Wars

A major goal of the Cultural Revolution in China during the 1960s was to
a) restore China to the glory of the Han dynasty
b) reemphasize Confucian traditional values
c) weaken Communist ideas
d) eliminate opposition to Mao Zedong

Beginning in the late 1970s, one of Deng Xiaoping’s major goals for the People’s Republic of China was to
a) encourage economic growth through modernization
b) support the practice of traditional religions
c) lessen control over the bureaucracy
d) protect the purity of revolutionary doctrine

One way in which Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping are similar is that both
a) granted autonomy to satellite countries
b) promoted a multiparty political system
c) encouraged religious dissenters to seek freedom
d) incorporated capitalist ideas into communist societies

What was a direct result of the Four Modernizations introduced in China by Deng Xiaoping?
a) Freedom of speech was guaranteed.
b) Goods and services were evenly distributed.
c) Economic opportunities were expanded.
d) Fewer consumer goods were produced.

In 1989, the goal of the protest movement staged by Chinese students in Tiananmen Square was to
a) bring about democratic reforms
b) improve job opportunities in the military
c) expand foreign investment in Hong Kong
d) limit the amount of land designated for the “responsibility system”

The primary goal of both the Indian National Congress in India and the Mau Mau movement in Kenya was to
a) establish military rule
b) colonize lands overseas
c) remove foreign control
d) achieve social equality

The purpose of Mohandas Gandhi’s actions such as the Salt March and the textile boycott was to
a) begin a cycle of armed revolution
b) draw attention to critical issues
c) increase the strength of the military
d) resist the power of religious leaders

Mohandas Gandhi’s protests during India’s independence movement were often successful because of his application of
a) an appeasement policy
b) civil disobedience
c) traditional caste beliefs
d) divide-and-conquer principles

Between 1945 and 1947, the differences between the Hindus and the Muslims in India led to the
a) Sepoy Mutiny
b) Salt March
c) policy of nonalignment
d) partitioning of the subcontinent

Mahatma Gandhi and Jomo Kenyatta were similar in that both
a) Mahatma Gandhi and Jomo Kenyatta were similar in that both
b) sought to gain independence from Great Britain
c) led a worldwide boycott of British goods
d) used violent revolution to achieve their aims

The most significant occurrence in Africa since 1950 has been the
a) decrease in the birthrate in most nations
b) decline of European colonialism
c) unification of East African nations
d) establishment of communist regimes in most nations

In Africa, a major result of World War II was
a) an increase in feelings of nationalism
b) a general decline in the standard of living
c) an increase in colonization by European nations
d) a rapid decline in population

What was the main goal of Zionism?
a) forming a representative government in China
b) establishing a Jewish homeland in the region of Palestine
c) improving the standard of living in developing countries
d) creating an international peacekeeping organization to solve global conflicts

Which document is most closely associated with the Arab-Israeli conflict?
a) Balfour Declaration
b) Kyoto Protocol
c) Communist Manifesto
d) Treaty of Nanjing

One similarity in the unification of Italy, the Zionist movement, and the breakup of the Ottoman Empire was that each was influenced by
a) humanism
b) polytheism
c) nationalism
d) imperialism

A major source of the dispute between the Israelis and the Palestinians is that each side
a) wants to control oil resources in the area
b) has historic ties to the same land
c) believes in different interpretations of the same religion
d) has close military alliances with neighboring countries

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