Epithelial And Connective Tissues Question Preview (ID: 41272)

Tissue Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Term that refers to a single layer of cells.
a) Simple
b) Difficult
c) Stratified
d) Transitional

Meaning of the prefix 'pseudo'
a) Single layer
b) Above
c) False
d) To eat

The cells in stratified squamous epithleium are tightly packed together, making this tissue a good ___________
a) Cushion
b) Absorber
c) Barrier
d) Synthesizer

Which is NOT a possible function of a connective tissue?
a) Connect
b) Absorb
c) Protect
d) Transport

Another name for bone tissue.
a) Collagen
b) Cartilage
c) Adipose
d) Osseous

Another name for Dense Connective Tissue
a) Osseous
b) Fibrous
c) Elastic
d) Collagen

The skin is primarily designed to perform which function of an epithelial tissue?
a) Absorption
b) Protection
c) Secretion
d) Excretion

Epithelial tissue that forms the walls of our capillaries.
a) Simple Columnar
b) Stratified Squamous
c) Simple Cuboidal
d) Simple Squamous

Tiny hairlike attachments on cells that are used to move particles.
a) Villi
b) Cilia
c) Microvilli
d) Flagella

What happens to Transitional Epithelial tissue that makes the cells change shape?
a) It absorbs
b) It stretches
c) It secretes
d) It dies

The glassy texture of hyaline cartilage makes it good at preventing ___________
a) Friction
b) Hardening
c) Breaking
d) Compression

Which is NOT a function of fat?
a) Protection
b) Absorption
c) Insulation
d) Stored Energy

Since epithelial tissue lacks blood vessels, how do oxygen and nutrients reach the cells?
a) Diffusion
b) Osmosis
c) Mitosis
d) Endocytosis

Epithelial tissue that, even though it's only one layer thick, provides protection due to the thickness of the cells.
a) Simple Columnar
b) Stratified Squamous
c) Simple Cuboidal
d) Simple Squamous

Glands that secrete their substances into body tissues.
a) Transitional
b) Endocrine
c) Parietal
d) Exocrine

Where would you find fibrocartilage discs?
a) Cranium
b) Vertebral Column
c) Trachea
d) Eye

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