Plate Tectonics Question Preview (ID: 41258)

Discovering How Continents Move. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

According to Wegener’s hypothesis of continental drift,
a) Earth’s surface is made up of seven major landmasses.
b) The continents do not move.
c) Earth is slowly cooling and shrinking.
d) The continents were once joined together in a single landmass.

What is Pangaea?
a) The name of a German scientist
b) The name of the supercontinent that existed millions of years ago.
c) Another name for continental drift.
d) The name of an ancient fossil.

What technology did scientists use in the mid-1900s to map the mid-ocean ridge?
a) satellites
b) deep-sea diving
c) submarines
d) sonar

Alfred Wegener has many pieces of evidence for his theory of “Continental Drift”. Which of the following was not one of them?
a) Fossil Evidence
b) Climate Evidence
c) Sonar Evidence
d) Rock Evidence

In sea-floor spreading, molten material rises from the mantle and erupts
a) along the edges of all the continents.
b) along mid-ocean ridges.
c) in deep-ocean trenches
d) at the north and south poles

Most geologists think that the movement of Earth’s plates is caused by
a) conduction.
b) earthquakes.
c) convection currents in the mantle.
d) Earth’s magnetic field.

The geological theory that states that pieces of Earth’s lithosphere are in constant, slow motion due to convection currents in the mantle, is the theory of
a) subduction.
b) deep-ocean trenches
c) plate tectonics.
d) sea-floor spreading.

A place where two plates slip past each other, moving in opposite directions, is known as a: (San Andreas Fault is a good example)
a) transform boundary.
b) divergent boundary.
c) convergent boundary.
d) rift valley.

A collision between two pieces of continental crust at a converging boundary produces a
a) mid-ocean ridge.
b) deep-ocean trench.
c) rift valley.
d) mountain range.

Which process or processes change the size and shape of the oceans?
a) Subduction only
b) sea-floor spreading only
c) both subduction and sea-floor spreading
d) none of the above

The Ring of Fire is an example of which kind of boundary?
a) transform
b) oceanic
c) divergent
d) convergent

The Mesosaurus is a reptile like organism that lived over 265 million years ago. Which statement is not correct about the Mesosaurus?
a) It lived in a freshwater water environment.
b) Fossils were found on the continents of Africa and India.
c) Supports the theory of Continental Drift.
d) Could not have lived in Salt water for long periods of time.

Which of the following Continents were not part of the Far Flung Fossil activity?
a) Asia
b) India
c) Australia
d) South America

Wegener inferred that the ancient plants Mesosaurus and Lystrosaurus once lived on a single landmass that since split apart.
a) True
b) False

What is the motion of Earth's plates like?
a) fast and in stages
b) slow and in stages
c) fast and constant
d) slow and constant

Which theory describes the motion of and force driving Earth's plates?
a) first law of motion
b) third law of motion
c) continental drift
d) plate tectonics

Which features form the longest mountain ranges on Earth?
a) the mid ocean ridges
b) the deep ocean trenches
c) the Rockies
d) the Andes

Which process adds more crust to the ocean floor?
a) suction
b) sea-floor spreading
c) subduction
d) magnetic stripe

When It pertains to Iceland what kind of plate boundaries does the Island sit on?
a) divergent
b) convergent
c) transform
d) It is the only land mass not to be seated on a tectonic plate

Along the continental margins, the oceanic crust of the Atlantic ocean attaches to continental crust to get ?
a) wider
b) to shrink
c) to stay the same
d) None of these

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