Human Technology And Ecosystems Question Preview (ID: 41098)

Unit 6 Review Games. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A sudden release of energy under Earth's surface that makes the ground shake or crack
a) Earthquake
b) flood
c) weathering
d) erosion

Natural phenomena, such as erosion and earthquakes, that wear down landmasses on Earth’s surface
a) flood control
b) destructive
c) constructive
d) design solution

Things made by man to help control flooding, such as dams, drains, and levees
a) flood control
b) destructive
c) constructive
d) design solution

Natural phenomena, such as volcanoes, rivers, and weather patterns, that build up landmasses on Earth's surface
a) Flood control
b) Destructive
c) Constructive
d) Design solution

An answer to a problem that is the result of a thought out plan
a) Flood control
b) Destructive
c) Constructive
d) Design solution

To make water clean for drinking
a) keeping water temperatures down.
b) providing a road for cars.
c) preventing animals from migrating.
d) slowing erosion of beach sand.

Humans build levees in order to serve what function?
a) To raise the water level of the ocean
b) To keep a river from overflowing
c) To store water for farming
d) To make water clean for drinking

The technology of a seismograph is helpful to humans because it–
a) helps detect and measure earthquakes.
b) determines the height of tidal waves.
c) records historical temperature extremes.
d) identifies locations with poor soil.

Humans are trying to reverse the effects of erosion of the Georgia coastline when they do which of the following?
a) Regulate fishing
b) Add sand to beaches
c) Clean up litter
d) Limit visitors to parks

A map that shows a set of data such as weather or elevation for a specific place on Earth’s surface
a) Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Map
b) Design Solution
c) Constructive Processes
d) Flood Control

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