The American War For Independence Question Preview (ID: 41068)
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Who sewed the American Flag?
a) George Washington
b) Betsy Ross
c) John Hancock
d) Ethan Allen
Who was the President of the Second Continental Congress ?
a) Ethan Allen
b) Betsy Ross
c) John Hancock
d) George Washington
I was the first to sign the Declaration of Independance
a) George Washington
b) Betsy Ross
c) John Hancock
d) Ethan Allen
Who was the American Spy that was killed by the British
a) Benjamin Franklin
b) Patrick Henry
c) Nathan Hale
d) Paul Revere
Who was the Famous American silversmith and patriot
a) Benjamin Franklin
b) Patrick Henry
c) Nathan Hale
d) Paul Revere
Who captured Fort Ticonderoga?
a) Ethan Allen
b) George Washington
c) General Cornwallis
d) George Rogers Clark
I captured 3 forts on the frontier and secured the Northwest Territory.
a) Ethan Allen
b) General Cornwallis
c) Louise and Clark
d) George Rogers Clark
Who was the black patriot killed in the Boston Massacre?
a) Patrick Henry
b) Crispus Attucks
c) Ethan Allen
d) Nathan Hale
Who was the leader of the British army who surrendered at the end of the war?
a) George Washington
b) General Cornwallis
c) Paul Revere
d) Crispus Attucks
This person was chosen to be the supreme commander of the American troops.
a) General Cornwallis
b) George III
c) George Washington
d) NAthan Hale
Where were the Hessians defeated?
a) Christmas
b) Valentine's day
c) Trenton
d) Saratoga
Where was the battle of the turning point in the war?
a) Saratoga
b) Trenton
c) Bunker Hill
d) Valley Forge
Where did the Continental Army spend a hard winter?
a) Valley Forge
b) Bunker Hill
c) Saratoga
d) Trenton
This is where the Americans proved to be hard to beat
a) Valley Forge
b) Yorktown
c) Bunker Hill
d) Fort Ticonderoga
Where did the British surrender to the Americans?
a) Bunker Hill
b) Yorktown
c) Trenton
d) Lexington
Where did the first battle start?
a) Yorktown
b) Valley Forge
c) Trenton and Saratoga
d) Lexington and Concord
Who said: Give me Liberty or Give me Death?
a) Benjamin Franklin
b) George Washington
c) Benjamin Gatton
d) PAtrick Henry
Who said: I have not yet begun to fight?
a) John Paul Jones
b) Ethan Allen
c) John Hancock
d) Elizabeth Davis
Who said: I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country
a) Leslie Carswell
b) Nathan Hale
c) Patrick Henry
d) Paul Revere
Who said: The British are coming! The British are coming!
a) Joseph Edwards
b) John Hancock
c) Paul Revere
d) George Washington
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