What Is Lab Safety Question Preview (ID: 41043)

Lab Saftey. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following is not a safe lab practice?
a) Wearing protective gloves when using heat
b) Wearing protective eye wear
c) Open toe shoes
d) Pulling hair back

Which of the following is not a lab safety tool.
a) Timing device
b) Goggles
c) Gloves
d) Close toed shoes

If there is a spill, what do you do?
a) Tell a teacher
b) Clean it up.
c) Talk to your friend about it.
d) Ignore it.

What lab safety tool should be used when working with force?
a) Timing device
b) Goggles
c) Apron
d) Gloves

What is the first thing you do when you enter the lab?
a) Read the instructions
b) Put on your safety goggles
c) Wait for teachers instructions
d) Clean up mess

What is something you never do in lab?
a) Horse Play
b) Wait for instruction
c) Wear correct protection
d) Listen to instruction

What should be worn in the lab?
a) Loose fitting clothes
b) Hair untied
c) Regular fitting clothes
d) Long bracelets or necklace

What should you do before you leave the lab?
a) Talk about what is for lunch
b) Play with your friends
c) Wash your hands and clean your area
d) Ignore teachers instructions

When is it appropriate to drink or eat the experiment?
a) Instructed by the teacher
b) You are thirsty
c) Your are hungry
d) If your friend dares you to

Where do you go if you get something in your eye.
a) Nurse
b) Eye wash station
c) Teacher
d) Best Friend

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