Unit 4 Review Question Preview (ID: 41036)
Unit 4.
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What are the 2 different parts of a magnet called?
a) Positve and negative
b) North and South Pole
c) North and South
d) Plus and Minus
Magnet materials are known as:
a) Solid materials
b) Heavy materials
c) Ferrous materials
d) Electromagnetic materials
The lines around a magnet that represent the magnetic field are known as:
a) Magnetic lines
b) Field Lines
c) Core lines
d) Flux lines
What happens to iron and steel when placed near a magnet?
a) They turn into a magnet
b) They rust
c) They repel the magnet
d) They become very hot
What happens when a magnet moves around copper?
a) The copper becomes magnetic
b) The copper heats up
c) Nothing
d) The magnet heats up
What happens when current flows through a wire?
a) A powerful magnetic field is created around the wire.
b) Nothing changes
c) A weak magnetic field is created around the wire.
d) The power supply become magnetic
When 2 or more magnets are placed beside each other, what happens to the magnetic field?
a) It decreases and changes shape
b) It increases and stays the same shape
c) It decreases and stays the same shape
d) It increases and changes shape
If current flows through wire wrapped in a coil, the magnetic field:
a) Becomes more powerful
b) Stays the same
c) Becomes weaker
d) Stops
The right hand rule states that:
a) Current flows in the opposite direction of your thumb
b) Current flows in the direction of your thumb
c) Current flows both ways
d) Current stops flowing
what would happened if you put an iron core in the middle of a coil?
a) Nothing
b) The magnet field would increase
c) The magnetic field would decrease
d) The coil would become very hot
What does DC stand for in DC motor?
a) Direct Current
b) Distant Current
c) Direct Coil
d) Diode Circuit
When current flow stops, what happens to the magnetic field?
a) It keeps expanding
b) It stays the same
c) It starts to collapse
d) It doubles
What does a Inductor do?
a) Permanently stores energy in the form of a magnetic field.
b) Occasionally produces a voltage.
c) Temporarily stores energy in the form of a magnetic field.
d) It's a material that does not allow current to flow
What device converts mechanical energy to electrical?
a) DC Motor
b) Capacitor
c) AC Motor
d) Generator
Which of these is not part of a DC motor?
a) Armature
b) Brushes
c) Commutator
d) Thermistor
What does a transformer do?
a) Make voltage higher for long distance transmission
b) Transforms current in a DC circuit
c) Makes voltage lower for long distance transmission
d) Changes resistance in a circuit
In long distance AC power transmission, where is power lost?
a) Through distance travelled
b) Through time to get to source
c) When converting back to DC
d) In sending the power
What is frequency measured in?
a) Watts
b) Amps
c) Farads
d) Hertz
Which of these is not part of a transformer?
a) Primary winding
b) Secondary winding
c) Capacitor
d) Core
What does an inverter do?
a) Changes AC to DC
b) Changes voltage
c) Changes DC to AC
d) Changes resistance
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