Food Webs Question Preview (ID: 41027)

Food Webs. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

an organism that gets energy from herbivores only
a) Carnivores
b) Herbivores
c) Omnivores
d) Decomposers

A plant or an animal
a) Organism
b) Omnivore
c) Producer
d) Carnivore

An organism that gets its energy from producers
a) Herbivore
b) Carnivore
c) Omnivore
d) Producer

An organism that gets its energy from breaking down dead plants and animals
a) Decomposer
b) Omnivore
c) Producer
d) Carnivore

An organism that gets its energy from herbivores, carnivores, and producers
a) Omnivore
b) Carnivore
c) Herbivore
d) Producer

An organism that hunts other organisms for food
a) Predator
b) Prey
c) Herbivore
d) Decomposer

An organism that cannot make its own food
a) Consumer
b) Producer
c) Plant
d) Tree

A system of interlocking and interdependent food chains
a) Food Web
b) Food Triangle
c) Food Group
d) Food Pyramid

An organism that uses the suns energy to make food
a) Producer
b) Decomposer
c) Carnivore
d) Herbivore

An organism that is hunted
a) Prey
b) Predator
c) Carnivore
d) Producer

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