Natural Selection Question Preview (ID: 41025)

Six Weeks Test Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The father of the theory of evolution
a) Carl Linnaeus
b) Gregor Mendel
c) Charles Darwin
d) Stephen Hawking

Changes in populations that occur when conditions favor one variation over another is
a) artificial selection
b) homologous structures
c) mimicry
d) natural selection

A structural adaptation that enables one species to resemble another species
a) mimicry
b) fossils
c) artificial selection
d) biochemistry

A body structure in present day organism that no longer serves it original purpose, but was probably useful to an ancestor
a) analogous structure
b) homologous structure
c) vestigial structure
d) biochemistry structure

The hypothesis that species originated through a gradual change in adaptations
a) homologous structures
b) gradualism
c) analogous structure
d) speciation

When a species evolves into an array of species to fit a number of diverse habitats
a) covergent evolution
b) polyploidy
c) ecology
d) adaptive radiation

Structural features with a common evolution such as the bones in a bird's wing, a whale flipper, or a human arm
a) homologous structures
b) analogous structures
c) vestigial structure
d) genetic drift

an adaptation that enables species to blend with their surroundings
a) mimicry
b) adaptive radiation
c) camouflage
d) fossils

the place where Darwin studied many species of animals and plants in his study of evolution
a) Madagascar
b) Galapagos
c) Africa
d) Australia

Alteration of allele frequency by chance events where one gene becomes more common
a) genetic drift
b) speciation
c) ecology
d) mimicry

the term that means change is
a) camoflauge
b) ecology
c) evolution
d) polyploidy

a pattern of evolution in which distantly related organisms evolve similar traits like insect wings and bird wings
a) reproductive isolation
b) speciation
c) convergent evolution
d) mimicry

the idea that evolution occurs relatively quickly , in rapid burss, with long periods of genetic equilibrium in between
a) gradualism
b) punctuated equilibrium
c) reproductive isolation
d) geographic isolation

when nattural selection favors one of the extreme variations such as longer than average bird beaks
a) speciation
b) geographic isolation
c) directional selection
d) artificial selection

when a population gets separated into 2 or more groups by a physical barrier
a) natural selection
b) geographic isolation
c) speciation
d) gradualism

when the frequency of alleles remains the same over generations
a) genetic drift
b) geographic isolation
c) disruptive selection
d) genetic equilibrium

A king snake looking like a coral snake is an example of
a) camoflauge
b) mimicry
c) natural selection
d) adaptive radiation

The peppered moths change from mostly white moths to mostly black moths due to the darkening of the tree bark is an example of
a) adaptive radiation
b) natural selection
c) artificial selection
d) genetic equilibrium

The lab we did with the beans for bunnies was to demonstrate
a) ecology
b) natural selection
c) mimicry
d) speciation

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