Naut Words Question Preview (ID: 41021)

Naut Words. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A person who took part in the California Gold Rush by traveling west in search of gold from 1848-1849
a) argonaut
b) navigator
c) astronaut
d) cosmonaut

A person who is trained to travel into outer space
a) argonaut
b) cosmonaut
c) astronaut
d) navigator

To travel around the earth on water or in the air
a) nauseous
b) navy
c) navigable
d) circumnavigate

A Soviet who is trained to travel into outer space
a) argonaut
b) cosmonaut
c) astronaut
d) navigator

Affected with a feeling of sickness in the stomach that feels like sea sickness
a) nauseous
b) navigate
c) navigable
d) circumnavigate

Related to sailing, sailors, or ships
a) navigator
b) navigate
c) nautical
d) navigable

Wide or deep enough for ships to be able to pass through
a) navigable
b) nauseous
c) circumnavigate
d) navy

To steer or direct a ship or airplane
a) navigator
b) argonaut
c) navigate
d) astronaut

A person who is trained to plan the course of and drive a ship
a) navigator
b) nautical
c) cosmonaut
d) astronaut

A fleet of ships; all the warships of a nation
a) argonaut
b) nautical
c) navy
d) circumnavigate

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