Light Energy Quiz Review Question Preview (ID: 41008)
4th Grade Light Unit Quiz Review.
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What path does light take when given off by the Sun or a flashlight?
a) Curved
b) Bended
c) At right angles
d) Straight
What would happen if light from a flashlight hit a solid, dark object?
a) It would make a shadow
b) It would reflect
c) It would refract
d) Light would go straight through
What would happen if you shine a laser at a mirror?
a) Light would go straight through
b) It would reflect
c) It would make a shadow
d) It would refract
What would happen if you shine a laser at a clear cup filled with water?
a) Light would reflect
b) Light would refract
c) It would go straight through
d) It would make a shadow
What can you use to see all the different colors in white light?
a) Lens
b) Flashlight
c) Prism
d) Kaleidoscope
A convex lens will make an object appear ___________.
a) Larger
b) Smaller
c) The same
d) A different color
What color is an object that absorbs all the colors in the light spectrum?
a) Red
b) Blue
c) White
d) Black
A leaf is green. Some light is being absorbed, but what light is being reflected?
a) Yellow
b) Green
c) White
d) Black
What does a prism do to light and what can you see?
a) reflect light, rainbow
b) refract light, something that is magnified
c) refract light, rainbow
d) absorbed light, something that is magnified
Which part of the microscope has a lens?
a) Fine adjustment knob
b) Stage
c) Eyepiece
d) Mirror
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