Marsupials Question Preview (ID: 40974)
Chapter 5 Quiz For Apologia's Exploring Creation With Zoology 3.
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What do most female marsupials have that other female animals do not?
a) A marsupium.
b) A long tail for support.
c) An ability to lay eggs.
d) None of these answers is correct.
Where do most marsupials live?
a) Australia and the Americas.
b) Europe.
c) Asia.
d) Australia and Asia.
The single continent that may have been formed by all of our current continents being joined together as one piece of land is called:
a) Pangaea.
b) PanAmerica.
c) Earthgena.
d) Marsupium.
Possums, kangaroos, wombats, wallabies, and koalas are all
a) Marsupials.
b) Ursidae.
c) Feliforms.
d) Carnivores.
Joeys are the term used for
a) marsupial babies.
b) marsupial pouches.
c) marsupial females.
d) macropod mammals.
The difference between wallabies and kangaroos is their
a) size.
b) dietary needs.
c) ear structure.
d) tail length.
Why do some people call koalas 'koala bears'?
a) They are fuzzy and round like a teddy bear and their scientific name means 'pouched bear.'
b) They have the same teeth structure as bears.
c) They only give birth to one or two young at a time, much like bears.
d) Their scientific name means 'little native bear.'
What do most koalas do throughout the day.
a) Sleep.
b) Eat eucalyptus leaves.
c) Climb through eucalyptus groves.
d) Play with other koalas.
What is the only marsupial native to North America?
a) The Virginia opossum.
b) The bilby.
c) The marsupial mole.
d) The pygmy possum.
What is the defense mechanism of the Virginia opossum?
a) Playing dead.
b) Sharp teeth.
c) Odor glands.
d) Strong front claws.
How can some marsupial joeys develop without a pouch?
a) The joeys ride on their mother's back until they can walk fast enough to keep up with her.
b) The joeys are burrowed into a ground hole for safe-keeping until they are old enough to survive outdoors.
c) The joeys develop mobs of young ones that work collectively for survival.
d) They joeys climb on their father's neck until they can walk fast enough to keep up with him.
What makes a Tasmanian devil like a hyena?
a) All of these answers are accurate.
b) They consume the dead carcass of any animal they find.
c) Their bite is much more powerful than a dog's bite.
d) They consume even the bones of the animal.
Animals that are herbivores will always remain herbivores. True or False.
a) False.
b) True.
c) This is a trick question.
d) There is no such thing as a true herbivore. All animals are omnivores.
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