Level P Lesson 47 Question Preview (ID: 40970)
Pearl Diving.
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variety, Most people think of pearls as bing white, but they come in a variety of colors.
a) different forms or types
b) using details to figure out things that an author wants you to know
c) what pearls are made from
d) small parts
particles, The oyster coats the particles with a gooey substance called nacre.
a) small parts
b) using details to figure out things that an author wants you to know
c) different forms or types
d) what pearls are made from
irritate, When this happens, worms, sand, and other tiny particles can get trapped inside and irritate the oyster's flesh.
a) bother
b) using details to figure out things that an author wants you to know
c) different forms or types
d) what pearls are made from
nacre, The oyster coats the particles with a gooey substance called nacre.
a) what pearls are made from
b) different forms or types
c) small parts
d) using details to figure out things that an author wants you to know
a) using details to figure out things that an author wants you to know
b) different forms or types
c) what pearls are made from
d) small parts
divide particles into syllables
a) par ti cles
b) part ic les
c) pa rti cles
d) par ticl es
divide example into syllables
a) ex am ple
b) exa mple
c) e xam ple
d) ex a mple
Divide circle into syllables
a) cir cle
b) circ le
c) ci rcle
d) circl e
Divide bicycle into syllables
a) bi cy cle
b) bi cyc le
c) bic yc le
d) bicy cle
Divide recycle into syllables
a) re cy cle
b) rec yc le
c) re cyc le
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