5.8 Strand Review Question Preview (ID: 40847)

Review For 5.8 Strand Assessment. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When Earth revolves, it is...
a) spinning on its axis.
b) going around the sun in a set path.
c) giving us day and night.
d) moving in line with other planets.

Earth has day and night because...
a) it revolves around the sun.
b) it rotates on its axis.
c) it's tilted on its axis.
d) the sun rises and sets.

The main difference between weather and climate is...
a) precipitation
b) temperature
c) time
d) cloud coverage

The process that changes water from gas to a liquid...
a) condensation
b) precipitation
c) evaporation
d) accumulation

What is the driving force of the water cycle?
a) rain
b) clouds
c) Sun
d) oceans

Which do Earth and the Moon have in common?
a) has life
b) has water
c) same size
d) has craters

What direction does the Sun appear to move in the sky?
a) West to East
b) North to South
c) South to North
d) East to West

What is a difference between the Sun and the Moon?
a) Both have life
b) The Sun rotates and the Moon does not
c) The Sun has craters but the Moon does not
d) The Sun has gases the Moon does not

What does Moon's revolution cause?
a) moon phases
b) seasons
c) day and night
d) apparent movement of the Sun

The Earth's revolution every year causes...
a) day and night
b) seasons
c) earthquakes
d) apparent movement of the Sun

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