Feature Article Text Features Question Preview (ID: 40842)

Feature Article Text Featres. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Provides more information about a topic than is in the text and can include interesting facts or important information.
a) text box
b) graphics
c) caption
d) sidebar

List of facts or figures that is easier to understand than a prose paragraph would be.
a) bulleted points
b) text or font
c) photos and illustrations
d) pull quote

Their purpose is to help readers organize ideas and better comprehend the article.
a) headings and subheadings
b) text box
c) graphics
d) caption

Short, informational pieces that are related to the main topic but are not necessary to understand the main idea.
a) sidebar
b) bulleted points
c) text or font
d) photos and illustrations

An interesting piece of the text that has been enlarged and placed somewhere else on the page
a) pull quote
b) headings and subheadings
c) text box
d) graphics

Written under a graphic or picture.
a) caption
b) sidebar
c) bulleted points
d) text or font

Give information in a visual way.
a) photos and illustrations
b) pull quote
c) headings and subheadings
d) text box

Drawings used to explain or illustrate the main idea.
a) graphics
b) caption
c) sidebar
d) bulleted points

The style and color of the print sends readers signals about how to read the content.
a) text or font
b) photos and illustrations
c) pull quote
d) headings and subheadings

Lengthy feature article text.
a) book
b) article
c) report
d) narrative

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