5.1-5.2 Ancient India--6th Grade Social Studies Question Preview (ID: 40835)

5.1-5.2 Ancient India--6th Grade Social Studies. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Vocab: The process of rebirth into another lifetime
a) reincarnation
b) ahimsa
c) mandate
d) yoga

What role did Buddhism play in the Mauryan Empire?
a) Buddhism created a new caste system.
b) Asoka built thousands of shrines spread Buddhism in India.
c) Missionaries spread Buddhism as they traveled trade routes.
d) Missionaries spread Buddhism as they traveled trade routes.

Vocab: An Asian weather condition of moist wind and heavy rain
a) monsoon
b) tsunami
c) hurricane
d) basin

One long-lasting result of the Mauryan Empire in India was --
a) the beginning of an efficient democratic government.
b) the spread of Buddhism throughout Southeast Asia.
c) a strong national army.
d) the destruction of Buddhist shrines.

According to the Hinduism of the Upanishads, a Hindu's ultimate goal in life is to--
a) choose the next life carefully.
b) join the soul to the brahman.
c) become a master of yoga.
d) memorize the Upanishads.

Which best explains why a strong civilization developed in the Indus Valley?
a) The valley was large, hot, and affected by monsoons.
b) The Indus and Ganges rivers protected the area from invaders
c) People were loosely tied by a common culture and religion.
d) Indus and Ganges rivers created excellent soil for farming.

Asoka is considered to be one of India's most influential and successful leaders because he--
a) founded one of the world's great religions.
b) built thousands of stupas and carved laws on pillars.
c) united India and built the largest empire ever
d) was born a prince but became a wandering beggar.

How did India's river valleys give rise to civilization?
a) Mountains protected the people from invaders and warriors.
b) The rivers provided plenty of fish for the people to eat.
c) The weather was warm and comfortable and attracted people.
d) Fertile deltas and monsoon flooding formed a farming culture

Vocab: A way of organizing society by levels
a) mandate
b) edict
c) caste system
d) bureaucracy

What is the mountain range in northern India that contains Mount Everest?
a) Himalayas
b) Smoky Mountains
c) Andes Mountains
d) Rocky Mountains

Which characteristic of the Aryan society most contributed to the Aryan migration into India?
a) their Hindu belief system
b) their domestication of cattle
c) their use of chariots
d) their nomadic lifestyle

Which statement best summarizes Buddhist belief?
a) The soul does not live forever.
b) Selfish desire causes human suffering.
c) Nirvana is eternal.
d) The caste system organizes society.

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