7th Grade Ch 5 Question Preview (ID: 40834)

Genetics. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who is the father of genetics?
a) Charles Darwin
b) Gregor Mendel
c) Edwin Genetics
d) Albert Einstein

When pollen from one plant reaches the flower of a different plant, it is called
a) self-pollination
b) cross-pollination
c) Mendel pollination
d) natural pollination

In the first generation, Mendel got plants that had
a) all purple flowers
b) all white flowers
c) some purple and some white flowers
d) light purple flowers

The ratio of dominant to recessive traits is about
a) 3:2
b) 2:1
c) 4:2
d) 3:1

A genetic factor that blocks another genetic factor is called a
a) dominant trait
b) recessive trait
c) codominant trait
d) incomplete dominant trait

Mendel's genetic factors are located on
a) the cell membrane
b) mitochondria
c) chromosomes
d) eggs only

T/F: You can see an organism's genotype
a) true
b) false

Which of the following phenotypes is heterozygous?
a) RR
b) Rr
c) rr

In incomplete dominance, a red flower crossed with a white flower would produce
a) a red flower
b) a white flower
c) a pink flower
d) a red and white spotted flower

In codominance, a white cow crossed with a brown cow would produce a
a) spotted cow
b) tan cow
c) white cow
d) brown cow

Who used X-rays to figure out the shape of DNA?
a) Franklin and Wilkins
b) Watson and Crick
c) Chargaff
d) Mendel

Which base matches with cytosine?
a) adenine
b) cytosine
c) guanine
d) thymine

The process of copying a DNA molecule to make another DNA molecule is called
a) replication
b) transcription
c) translation
d) revolution

T/F: About 97% of a human's DNA is junk DNA.
a) true
b) false

RNA is different from DNA in that it
a) is a single helix
b) has uracil instead of thymine
c) has the sugar ribose instead of deoxyribose
d) all of the above

The type of RNA that carries amino acids to ribosomes is called
a) mRNA
b) tRNA
c) rRNA
d) rDNA

T/F: Most mistakes made in DNA replications are corrected.
a) True
b) False

T/F: All mutations result in unfortunate (bad) results.
a) true
b) false

Polygenic inheritance occurs when ___ determine the phenotype of a trait.
a) one gene
b) multiple genes
c) no genes
d) the environment

The different forms of a gene are called
a) chromosomes
b) DNA
c) alleles
d) ribosomes

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