Pgs 290-305 Question Preview (ID: 40833)

Social Studies. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does abolition mean ?
a) The movement to do away with slavery.
b) Legislation of 1854 to organize new territories of Kansas and Nebraska, with popular sovereignty available.
d) the belief that the Federal gov't had the right to keep slavery from expanding into the new territories.

What does Underground Railroad mean ?
a) To withdraw from the Union
c) The informal system of routes and safe houses that helped escaped slaves get to the North
d) The movement to do away with slavery.

What does Missouri Compromise mean ?
a) 1820 agreement that brought MO as a slave state and ME as a free state. Anything south of MO is slave.
b) An agreement that allowed CA to enter as a free state, a stronger fugitive slave law and ended slave trading in DC
c) To withdraw from the Union
d) Legislation of 1854 to organize new territories of Kansas and Nebraska, with popular sovereignty available.

What does protective tariff mean ?
a) A tarrif that added a tax to manufactured goods imported from other countries; this encouraged to buy American.
b) 1820 agreement that brought MO as a slave state and ME as a free state. Anything south of MO is slave.
c) The movement to do away with slavery.
d) The informal system of routes and safe houses that helped escaped slaves get to the North

What does nullification mean ?
a) 1820 agreement that brought MO as a slave state and ME as a free state. Anything south of MO is slave.
b) An agreement that allowed CA to enter as a free state, a stronger fugitive slave law and ended slave trading in DC
c) The idea of voiding and not following national laws within a state.
d) the belief that the Federal gov't had the right to keep slavery from expanding into the new territories.

What does secede mean ?
a) 1820 agreement that brought MO as a slave state and ME as a free state. Anything south of MO is slave.
b) An agreement that allowed CA to enter as a free state, a stronger fugitive slave law and ended slave trading in DC
c) The informal system of routes and safe houses that helped escaped slaves get to the North
d) To withdraw from the Union

What does free soil mean ?
a) 1820 agreement that brought MO as a slave state and ME as a free state. Anything south of MO is slave.
b) The informal system of routes and safe houses that helped escaped slaves get to the North
c) The movement to do away with slavery.
d) the belief that the Federal gov't had the right to keep slavery from expanding into the new territories.

What does Compromise of 1850 mean ?
a) The informal system of routes and safe houses that helped escaped slaves get to the North
b) The movement to do away with slavery.
c) Legislation of 1854 to organize new territories of Kansas and Nebraska, with popular sovereignty available.
d) An agreement that allowed CA to enter as a free state, a stronger fugitive slave law and ended slave trading in DC

What does Kansas-Nebraska Act mean ?
a) Legislation of 1854 to organize new territories of Kansas and Nebraska, with popular sovereignty available.
b) An agreement that allowed CA to enter as a free state, a stronger fugitive slave law and ended slave trading in DC
c) the belief that the Federal gov't had the right to keep slavery from expanding into the new territories.
d) A tarrif that added a tax to manufactured goods imported from other countries; this encouraged to buy American.

Who was John Brown ?
a) A violent abolitionist
b) A slave holder
c) An abolitionist newspaper editor
d) Just some dude my cousin knows. He's really funny and drives a truck.

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