Chapter 17/Cold War Key Terms Question Preview (ID: 40832)

These Questions Cover CH 17 In The Text And The Cold War In General. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This item was built to divide Communist Berlin from non-Communist Berlin
a) Berlin Airlift
b) Iron Cutain
c) Berlin Wall
d) DMZ

Explorer I was from this country.
b) Germany
c) United Nations
d) United States

The first man-made object to orbit the Earth was from this country.
a) United States
b) Soviet Union
c) Germany
d) China

This organization was created to help establish and maintain world peace.
a) United Nations
b) League of Nations
d) Warsaw Pact

The second man-made object to orbit the Earth
a) Explorer I
b) Pegasus I
c) Daedalus I
d) Sputnik I

The first man-made object to orbit the Earth.
a) Explorer I
b) Pegasus I
c) Daedalus I
d) Sputnik I

The competition between the US and USSR to be the supreme military power.
a) Space Race
b) Brinksmanship
c) Arms Race
d) Containment

The competition between the US and USSR to be the supreme power in space.
a) Space Race
b) Brinksmanship
c) Arms Race
d) Containment

The United States military effort to counter the Soviet might in Europe.
a) Warsaw Pact
b) United Nations
c) North Atlantic Treaty Organization
d) The Bilderbergers

The USSR and its allies created this military organization to counter the United States' influence in Europe.
b) United Nations
c) Warsaw Pact
d) Tripartite Agreement

The massive effort to supply Berlin after the Soviets blockade West Berlin and prevented supplies from entering the city by land.
a) Containment
b) Berlin Airlift
c) Marshall Plan
d) Truman Doctrine

The economic plan to assist European rebuilding efforts after WWII was called...
a) Truman Doctrine
b) Containment
c) Space Race
d) Marshall Plan

The general policy of the US attempt to keep Communism within its existing borders after WWII was called...
a) Space Race
b) Containment
c) Arms Race
d) Marshall Plan

This US General was in charge of all forces in Korea and was eventually fired by President Truman.
a) FDR
b) General Eisenhower
c) General Marshall
d) General MacArthur

Eisenhower's plan to have US and USSR stockpile radioactive materials for peaceful purposes.
a) Nuclear Peace
b) Atoms for Peace
c) Atomic Fallout
d) Ike for Peace

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