Fossils And Earth Materials Question Preview (ID: 40820)

Students Answer Questions About Fossils And Earth Materials. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What do we call it when two objects rub together?
a) weathering
b) friction
c) fossils
d) amber

Erosion is ____?___
a) the breaking down of earth materials like soil or rock
b) what forms fossils
c) helpful to the environment
d) no longer happening on earth

Which layer of rock has the oldest fossils?
a) top layer
b) darkest layer
c) deepest layer
d) newest layer

A fossil can be an imprint or a ___?___ that has turned to rock.
a) sap
b) plastic
c) part of a plant or animal
d) chunk of ice

What do we call a fossil that is sap that has hardened with evidence of a plant or animal inside of it?
a) sap fossils
b) trilobites
c) amber
d) Petoskey Stones

Which of the following is an example of something that causes weathering?
a) friction
b) hot and cold temperatures
c) water
d) All of these

Which of the following is an example of something that causes weathering?
a) plant and animal fossils
b) mountains
c) layers
d) Change in temperature

When rocks or earth materials break down - we call it ___?___
a) weathering/erosion
b) lava
c) decay
d) rotting

Which of the following is an example of something that causes weathering?
a) clay
b) wind
c) layers
d) fossil formation

Fossils can give evidence of plants or animals that no longer live on earth. We call plants and animals that no longer live on earth ___?___
a) dead and gone
b) endangered
c) extinct
d) out of stock

Coal is an example of a fossil fuel.
a) True
b) False

Fossils form in 75 - 100 years.
a) True
b) False

Some fossils are found frozen in ice.
a) True
b) False

Fossils can prove that where there are now deserts, there were once oceans.
a) True
b) Falso

Fossils have been found on every continent except Antarctica.
a) True
b) False

The biggest fossil ever found was a dinosaur fossil found in Utah.
a) True
b) False

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