Citizenship Test Question Preview (ID: 40816)

The Most Challenging Questions On The U.S. Citizenship Test For Teenagers. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who is the mayor of Danbury, Connecticut?
a) Mark Malloy
b) Dan Boughton
c) Mark Boughton
d) Tom Saadi

All of the below were writers of the Federalist Papers EXCEPT:
a) John Jay
b) James Madison
c) Alexander Hamilton
d) Thomas Jefferson

All of the below make Federal law EXCEPT:
a) President
b) Congress
c) Senate and the House
d) National Legislature

What movement tried to end racial discrimination?
a) #Metoo Movement
b) Civil Rights Movement
c) World War Two Movement
d) United Nations Movement

When was the U.S. Constitution written?
a) 1776
b) 1787
c) 1788
d) 1812

What is the last day you can pay your federal taxes?
a) April 15th
b) January 15th
c) July 15th
d) July 4th

What political party does President Trump belong to?
a) Independent
b) Republican
c) Democrat
d) Green

Who is the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court?
a) John Roberts
b) Joe Biden
c) Michael Pence
d) Clarence Thomas

Who is the 5th Congressional District Representative for Danbury, Connecticut?
a) Mark Boughton
b) Michael McLachlan
c) David Arconti
d) Elizabeth Etsy

How many House of Representatives serve in the House for Congress?
a) 100
b) 438
c) 435
d) 535

Who are the U.S. Senators from Connecticut?
a) Dan Malloy and Mark Boughton
b) Christopher Murphy and Richard Blumenthal
c) Christopher Murphy and Elizabeth Etsy
d) David Arconti and Mark Boughton

How many U.S. Senators are there in the Senate?
a) 100
b) 50
c) 435
d) It depends on the population of each state

How many years does a U.S. Senator serve for their term?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8

Who has the right to VETO a bill?
a) United States Supreme Court
b) Senate
c) The House
d) President of the United States

According the the U.S. Constitution, how many TERMS can a President of the United States serve?
a) 1 term or 4 years
b) 2 terms or 8 years
c) 2 terms or 12 years
d) 2 terms or 4 years

Who is the Governor of Connecticut (2018)?
a) Mark Boughton
b) Dan Malloy
c) Donald Trump
d) Christopher Murphy

Who is the Vice President of the United States (2018)?
a) Hillary Clinton
b) Barack Obama
c) Joe Biden
d) Michael Pence

What political party does Mayor Boughton belong to?
a) Democrat
b) Independent
c) Republican
d) Green

What political party does Governor Dan Malloy belong to?
a) Democrat
b) Republican
c) Green
d) Independent

How old do you have to be to participate in voting in an election in USA?
a) 16
b) 21
c) 15
d) 18

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