Level N Lesson 23 Question Preview (ID: 40814)

Snow Cats. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) eager to know or learn something
b) sticking out
c) going down
d) expressing that you are unhappy

a) expressing that you are unhappy
b) sticking out
c) eager to know or learn something
d) going down

a) going down
b) sticking out
c) eager to know or learn something
d) expressing that you are unhappy

a) sticking out
b) eager to know or learn something
c) going down
d) expressing that you are unhappy

What does the suffix -ous mean?
a) full of
b) past tense
c) happening now
d) in a way that is

What does curious mean?
a) full of curiosity
b) full of danger
c) full of fury
d) full of nerve

What does furious mean?
a) full of fury
b) full of curiosity
c) full of danger
d) full of joy

What does joyous mean?
a) full of joy
b) full of curiosity
c) full of danger
d) full of nerve

What does nervous mean?
a) full of nerve
b) full of curiosity
c) full of danger
d) full of joy

What does dangerous mean?
a) full of danger
b) full of curiosity
c) full of joy
d) full of nerve

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