Caniforms Continued Question Preview (ID: 40797)

Chapter 3 Test For Apologia's Exploring Creation With Zoology: Land Animals Of Day 6. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A group of otters is called a:
a) romp.
b) holt.
c) pack.
d) Mustelidae.

This otter spends most of its time in the water:
a) a sea otter.
b) a northern river otter.
c) a giant otter.
d) a romp.

Which animal is the most common carrier of rabies?
a) Raccoons.
b) Skunks.
c) Otters.
d) Wolverines.

What makes a panda bear's wrist unique?
a) It has an extended wrist bone that it uses like an opposable thumb to grasp bamboo.
b) It has an opposable thumb that it uses to grasp bamboo and strip the shoot of its leaves.
c) It can rotate the wrist in a complete 360 degree circle.
d) It is not able to bend in any manner.

What color is a polar bear's skin?
a) Black.
b) White.
c) Translucent.
d) Golden.

The large hump on a bear's back, smaller and furrier ears, and a dip between its eyes and snout are all indicators of
a) a brown bear over a black bear.
b) a black bear over a brown bear.
c) a panda over a brown bear.
d) a polar bear over any other bear.

Feeding a bear is
a) dangerous and foolish.
b) fun and challenging.
c) illegal.
d) allowed only in certain national parks.

Bears go through a period of dormancy, rather than hibernation. Dormancy means the bears'
a) breathing and body temperature decrease.
b) breathing and body temperature increase.
c) activity and food hunting increase.
d) None of these answers is accurate.

Bears eat mostly
a) fruits, roots, shoots, and nuts.
b) meat.
c) bamboo.
d) insects.

Animals that do not walk on their toes, but walk using the entire bottom of the foot are called
a) plantigrades.
b) ursidae.
c) dormancy.
d) digitigrades.

An otter's home is called a
a) holt.
b) burrow.
c) drey.
d) den.

How do sea otters open clams?
a) They use stones as tools to bash open the shells.
b) They use their sharp claws to pry open the shells.
c) They only pick shells that are already partially open.
d) They use their prehensile tails to pry open the shells.

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