Atoms Scientists Question Preview (ID: 40754)

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Proposed that you would end up with an “uncuttable” particle. He called this particle an atom (from the greek word atomos – meaning indivisible)
a) Thomson
b) Democritus
c) Rutherford
d) John Dalton

Atomic Theory
a) John Dalton
b) Schrodinger and Heisenberg
c) Bohr
d) Thomson

Found small particles inside the atom thus atoms could be divided into smaller parts
a) Bohr
b) Rutherford
c) Schrodinger and Heisenberg
d) Thomson

“Atomic Shooting Gallery” He aimed positively charged particles at a thin sheet of gold foil.
a) Bohr
b) Thomson
c) Democritus
d) Rutherford

Suggested that electrons travel around the nucleus in definite paths. States that electrons can jump between levels
a) Bohr
b) Democritus
c) Schrodinger and Heisenberg
d) Rutherford

Stated that electrons do not travel in definite paths, in fact the exact path of a moving electron cannot be predicted. Predicted regions called electron clouds
a) Thomson
b) Rutherford
c) John Dalton
d) Schrodinger and Heisenberg

contains protons (+) and neutrons (neutral).
a) Nuetrons
b) Electrons
c) Nuclues
d) Atomic number

orbit the nucleus of the atom. Electrons have a negative charge
a) Electrons
b) nuetrons
c) Atomic mass
d) Atomic number

represents the number of protons or electrons an element has
a) Atomic mass
b) Atoms
c) Atomic number
d) Nuetrons

represents the mass of the protons + neutrons
a) Atomic mass
b) Atomic number
c) Hydrogen
d) Nuetrons

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