Depression And New Deal In Georgia Part I Question Preview (ID: 40733)

Depression And New Deal Georgia. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What was the name of the pest that destroyed over two-thirds of Georgia's annual cotton crop by 1920?
a) boll weevil
b) bulb weevil
c) cotton weasel
d) cotton bug

What event signaled the beginning of the Great Depression?
a) stock market crash
b) election of FDR
c) beginning of World War I
d) beginning of World War II

Which of the New Deal programs was designed to help those too old or ill to work?
a) SSA
b) CCC
c) REA
d) TVA

In class we used the term WHAMO to describe five factors leading to the Great Depression. What did the O stand for?
a) Overproduction
b) Old people unemployed
c) old forms of manufacturing
d) overseas competition

The Civilian Conservation Corps gave employment to what sector of American economy?
a) young men 18-25
b) young women 18-25
c) old and disabled Americans
d) Rural road builders

Which New Deal program helped bring electricity to millions of rural Americans?
a) REA
b) CCC
c) SSA
d) AAA

David is eighteen and his family is struggling to make ends meet down on their small farm outside Hazelhurst, Georgia. David would like to find some way to earn money to help support his family. What New Deal Program would help him?
a) CCC
b) SSA
c) AAA
d) REA

Wilma Butterworth is sixty-nine and has worked at the Bristol Boot Company in Bristol, Georgia for twenty-five years, but recently she caught her hand in the heel stamping machine and now she is unable to work? What New Deal program might help her?
a) SSA
b) AAA
c) CCC
d) REA

Michael Richboy wants to establish a Rural Electric Cooperative to provide power to rural Brantley County. What New Deal program might provide him with assistance?
a) REA
b) AAA
c) CCC
d) SSA

Skelly Zerr is a hog farmer in Centreville, Iowa. He is rounding up all of his newborn piglets and destroying them and receiving a check from the government for each one killed. What New Deal program is supporting Herbert’s pig slaughter?
a) AAA
b) CCC
c) REA
d) SSA

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