Unit Test Review 5 Question Preview (ID: 40727)

Unit Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

the number of deaths per 1,000 people in a year
a) death rate
b) growth rate
c) exponential growth
d) poverty level

the movement of a large number of people from one place to another
a) carrying capacity
b) stabilize
c) death rate
d) migration

the total number of years a person is expected to live
a) world population
b) migration
c) life expectancy
d) death rate

Coal and oil are examples of ______. They were formed from plant and animal remains
a) subsistence agriculture
b) overconsumption
c) renewable resource
d) fossil fuels

A female who is neither too old nor too young to have children has reached _____.
a) life expectancy
b) exponential growth
c) reproductive age
d) poverty level

________ lets parents decide when to have children and how many children they want to have
a) susistence agriculture
b) family planning
c) environmentally intelligent design
d) reproductive age

______ refers to a way of living that is usual for a person in this country.
a) Standard of Living
b) Family Planning
c) Carrying Capacity
d) sustainable harvest

Improvements in _____ have increased birth rates and decreased death rates
a) Family Planning
b) Medicine and agriculture
c) consumption
d) subsistence agriculture

Exponential growth can be shown on a graph with a(n) _______
a) C-curve
b) straight Line
c) J-curve
d) S-Curve

________ refers to the rate at which a population increases or decreases
a) Poverty Level
b) Stabilized
c) Exponential
d) Growth Rate

At the _______ , a person earns enough to afford everything needed to live
a) Growth Rate
b) Poverty Level
c) Exponential
d) Malnutrition

When it remains the same, the growth rate of a population has _______
a) Sustenance Harvest
b) Growth Rate
c) Exponential
d) Stabilized

People suffering from _______do not get enough nutrients to remain healthy
a) stabilized
b) exponential
c) growth rate
d) poverty level

Growth that increases by larger and larger amount is ______
a) Malnutrition
b) Susenance harvest
c) poverty level
d) growth rate

Growing just enough food to meet immediate needs is ________ .
a) Malnutrition
b) Growth Rate
c) Poverty Level
d) Sustenance Harvest

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