SpanAm WWI Test Review Question Preview (ID: 40724)

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Americans were angry over a German-Mexican alliance that was proposed in
a) Yellow Journalism
b) Zimmermann Telegram
c) Chinese Exclusion Act
d) League of Nations

What is Woodrow Wilson famous for?
a) Zimmerman Telegram
b) Treaty of Versailles
c) 14 Points and the League of Nations
d) Radio

Which vocabulary word deals with exaggerated stories in order to sell more newspapers?
a) Harlem Renaissance
b) Yellow Journalism
c) U.S.S. Maine
d) Cuban Independence

The sinking of the Lusitania was a reason for
a) the start of the Spanish American War
b) American entry into WWI
c) the Lend Lease Act
d) the start of WWI

Big Stick Diplomacy can best be described as
a) an effort to improve the American economy
b) the way President Roosevelt dealt with foreign countries
c) an effort to stay out of nuclear war
d) the belief that if one country falls to communism, so will others

The United States became a world powers as a result of which event?
a) Zimmerman Telegram
b) Russian Revolution
c) Spanish American War
d) Cold War

Which of the following is NOT a reason America entered WWI (ZITS)?
a) Ties to Great Britain
b) Yellow Journalism
c) Sinking of the Lusitania
d) Zimmermann Telegream

Which territory did America NOT gain as a result of the Spanish American War?
a) Colombia
b) Puerto Rico
c) Philippines
d) Guam

Which country became independent as a result of the Spanish American War?
a) Panama
b) Cuba
c) Puerto Rico
d) Guam

Which country did not sign the Treaty of Versailles or join the League of Nations?
a) United States
b) France
c) Japan
d) Germany

The Panama Canal was built as a result of
a) Roosevelt Corollary and Big Stick Diplomacy
b) Railroad Act
c) Transportation Act
d) Suez Peace Treaty

Belgium was a member of the
a) WWI Allies
b) WWI Central Powers
c) WWII Axis Powers
d) None of these

President Roosevelt ruled Latin America with _____.
a) Roosevelt Corollary
b) Monroe Doctrine
c) League of Nations
d) Treaty of Versailles

Which scenario best matches the Ottoman Empire?
a) Proposed the 14 Points
b) Sank the Lusitania
c) Joined with the Austro-Hungarian Empire
d) Joined with the British Empire

Which scenario best matches Russia?
a) Proposed the 14 Points
b) Sank the Lusitania
c) Joined with the Austro-Hungarian Empire
d) Joined with the British Empire

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