Dr. King Question Preview (ID: 40712)
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What does boycott mean?
a) A refusal to buy or take part in something in order to force a change.
b) Rights that guarantee freedom and equality for all citizens.
c) The condition in which everyone has the same rights.
What are civil rights?
a) Rights that guarantee freedom and equality for all citizens.
b) The condition in which everyone has the same rights.
c) Force that hurts or destroys.
What is NOT an example of a civil right?
a) People of all ages can drive a car.
b) US citizens can vote.
c) All children can attend school.
What is equality?
a) The condition in which everyone has the same rights.
b) Force that hurts or destroys.
c) Kept apart based on group differences, often race.
What does protest mean?
a) To strongly disagree.
b) Kept apart based on group differences, often race.
c) Force that hurts or destroys.
What does segregated mean?
a) Kept apart based on group differences, often race.
b) Refusal to buy or take part in something in order to force a change.
c) The condition in which everyone has the same rights.
Which of the following was NOT a place where people were segregated?
a) All of the above were places where people were segregated.
b) At school
c) On the bus
d) At movie theaters
What does violence mean?
a) Force that hurts or destroys.
b) To strongly disagree.
c) The condition in which everyone has the same rights.
Which of the following is NOT an example of equality?
a) Black children had to attend poorer, older schools than white children.
b) People could sit wherever they wanted on city buses.
c) Blacks and whites could drink from the same drinking fountain.
When my teacher gave me five hours of homework, the class _________ loudly!
a) protested
b) segregated
c) civil rights
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