How Magnets Work Question Preview (ID: 40695)

Literacy Footprints Lesson 45. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) force that pulls together
b) force that pushes apart
c) a type of metal
d) magnet

a) a force that attracts certain metals
b) cannot be seen
c) to force to move away or apart
d) a natural power

a) a strong, light metal often used to make soda cans
b) causing an object to move towards something
c) a device used to find out the direction
d) a force that attracts

a) a device used to find out the direction
b) a natural power
c) cannot bee seen
d) to force to move away or apart

a) a natural power that can change the way something moves
b) a device used to find out the directions
c) causing an object to move toward something
d) a strong, light metal often used to make soda cans

a) cannot be seen
b) a force that attracts
c) a strong, light metal often used to make soda cans
d) causing an object to move towards something

a) a force to move away or apart
b) a force that attracts
c) causing an object to move toward something
d) a strong, light metal often used to make soda cans

a) defines words in the story
b) tells what the section is about
c) tells what page you can find a word on
d) main idea

a) tells what page you can find a word on
b) main idea
c) defines words in the story
d) main idea

table of contents
a) a list of titles of the parts of a book or document
b) defines words in the story
c) tells what the section is about
d) tells what page you can find the word on

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