Introduction To Cells Review Question Preview (ID: 40687)

This In A Review For The Introduction To Cells Unit. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following list contains the seven characteristics that all living organisms have in common?
a) made of cells, contains DNA, breathes, reproduces, grows and develops, uses energy, responds to stimuli
b) made of cells, contains DNA, breathes, reproduces, grows and develops, eats, can die, moves
c) made of cells, contains DNA, reproduces, responds to stimuli, maintains homeostasis, uses energy, grows and develops,
d) breathes, eats, moves, sees, smells, dies, grows, has babies

the organelle that is responsible for directing all cellular processes using the instructions contained in the DNA
a) chloroplasts
b) mitochondria
c) nucleus
d) vacuole

the organelle that uses the sun's energy to make food for plants
a) chloroplasts
b) mitochondria
c) nucleus
d) vacuole

the organelle that releases energy from food
a) chloroplasts
b) mitochondria
c) nucleus
d) vacuole

the organelle responsible for storing water and nutrients until the cell needs them
a) chloroplasts
b) mitochondria
c) nucleus
d) vacuole

the fluid inside a cell
a) cell membrane
b) cell wall
c) cytoplasm
d) vacuole

the organelle that is responsible for controlling what goes in or out of a cell
a) cell membrane
b) cell wall
c) chloroplasts
d) mitochondria

a part of a cell that performs a specific job necessary to maintain life
a) organ
b) organelle
c) organism
d) tissue

the organelle that provides support and structure in plant cells
a) cell membrane
b) cell wall
c) cytoplasm
d) vacuole

Which of the following is true about cells?
a) They are the smallest whole unit of life.
b) They are contain all the organelles needed to carry out the processes to maintain life.
c) They are made of molecules.
d) all of the above

A living organism made of one cell
a) cellular
b) multicellular
c) paracellular
d) unicellular

A living organism made of more than one cell
a) cellular
b) multicellular
c) paracellular
d) unicellular

Other organelles inside the cell like the endoplasmic reticulum, golgi body, and lysosomes are responsible for what?
a) making proteins
b) making fats
c) clearing waste from the cell
d) all of the above

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