Galiyas History 9 - Midterm Exam (C) Question Preview (ID: 40674)

Galiyas History 9 - Midterm Exam (C). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) .
b) .
c) .
d) .

a) .
b) .
c) .
d) .

The purpose of the Fugitive Slave Act was to
a) ban slavery in Washington, D.C.
b) offer freed slaves land in the West.
c) provide safety for escaped slaves.
d) force all Americans to help catch escaped slaves.

a) .
b) .
c) .
d) .

a) .
b) .
c) .
d) .

The Radical Republicans passed a series of laws designed to
a) reestablish slavery in a different form.
b) protect the civil rights of African Americans.
c) unfairly tax the South.
d) prohibit free speech in the South.

As a result of the Bear Flag Revolt, Captain John C. Frémont
a) crossed into New Mexico.
b) drove out the Mexican army.
c) moved into California.
d) none of the above

The phrase “Manifest Destiny” refers to the belief that the United States
a) had a right to all of the land claimed by Mexico.
b) had a right to all of Oregon Country.
c) ought to give up all claim to land between the Mississippi and the Pacific.
d) had a divine mission to spread liberty across the continent.

The goal of the Freedmen’s Bureau was to
a) prevent African Americans from voting.
b) abolish slavery.
c) force African Americans to move north.
d) help former slaves adjust to freedom.

The Civil War began with the
a) secession of South Carolina.
b) illegal formation of the Confederate States of America.
c) attack on Lawrence, Kansas, a center of free-soiler activity.
d) Confederate attack on Fort Sumter.

Most African American Exodusters migrated west to
a) escape racial violence in the South.
b) work as sharecroppers on bonanza farms.
c) find relatives who had fled during the Civil War.
d) prospect for gold and silver.

a) .
b) .
c) .
d) .

What first attracted the Chinese to the United States?
a) the ideals of political equality
b) repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act
c) recruitment by railroad companies
d) the desire for free land

Congress reacted to Klan terror by passing
a) the Enforcement Act of 1870.
b) the Thirteenth Amendment.
c) the Compromise of 1877.
d) Radical Reconstruction.

Tenant farming encouraged the rise of a new class of wealthy
a) black farmers.
b) merchants.
c) railroad builders.
d) industrialists.

The Fourteenth Amendment was part of a series of laws that
a) changed the way a President could hire government officials.
b) shifted the balance of power in favor of the Supreme Court.
c) restored the balance of power between the President and Congress.
d) ensured the civil rights of African Americans.

How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act affect slavery in the new territories?
a) It granted citizens of the territories the right to decide if slavery should be allowed.
b) It banned slavery from all new territories after 1858.
c) It established 36°30' as the boundary line between free and slave territories.
d) It granted Congress the right to decide on the slavery question in the territories.

a) .
b) .
c) .
d) .

What was one key requirement that applicants had to meet to receive land under the Homestead Act?
a) They had to wheel portable cabins from plot to plot.
b) They had to file a claim with a bank.
c) They had to farm the land for five years in a row.
d) They had to live on the land all year long.

One reason that the United States became more urban during the late 1800s is that
a) farm machines and factory-made goods reduced the need for farm labor.
b) nobody wanted to live on farms anymore.
c) immigrants did not know how to do farm work.
d) union organizing of farm workers had not yet begun.

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