Ancient Greece To Rome Review Question Preview (ID: 40649)

Midterm Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why did the ancient city-states of Athens and Sparta develop different political systems?
a) The Byzantine Empire dictated government policies
b) Foreign travelers introduced new philosophies
c) The mountainous topography resulted in the isolation of these city-states
d) For over 3 centuries, civil wars raged in these city-states

One Contribution of ancient Roman culture was the development of
a) the concept of zer
b) the process of making silk
c) a republican form of government
d) written forms of communication

What effect did the geography of ancient Greece have in its early development?
a) the mountainous terrain led to the creation of independent city-states
b) a lack of natural seaports limited communication
c) an inland located hindered trade and colonization
d) abundant natural resources encouraged self-sufficiency

The Golden Age of Greece and Pax Romana are similar because both
a) made advancements in science, literature, and art
b) ended foreign domination
c) did not expand their borders
d) did nothing worth remembering

Ancient Greece was located on which sea?
a) Atlantic
b) Indian
c) Mediterranean
d) Red

A republic is
a) a government where one person has all power
b) a government in which citizens vote directly on laws
c) a government in which citizens vote for their representatives

A democracy is
a) a government where one person has all power
b) a government in which citizens vote directly on laws
c) a government in which citizens vote for their representatives

How did the geography of the Italian peninsula influence the development of the Roman Empire?
a) the un-navigable rivers in the northern part of the peninsula protected the Romans from their neighbors
b) the harsh climate stopped farming
c) the seacoast encouraged frequent invasions of Italy
d) the location of the peninsula contributed to Roman control of the Mediterranean region

Which ancient civilization is associated with the Twelve Tables and a Road system
a) Ancient Greece
b) Ancient Persia
c) Ancient Egypt
d) Ancient Rome

Which body of water was at the center of Roman Trade?
a) Red Sea
b) Black Sea
c) Atlantic Ocean
d) Mediterranean Sea

What was one effect of Alexander the Great's conquests?
a) expansion of Hellenistic culture
b) formation of the Christian church
c) decrease in trade
d) increased support of the Mayan leaders

Alexander the Great's conquests of Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt, and Persia led to the
a) spread Islam throughout Europe
b) established a democratic government
c) adoption of a feudal system
d) spread of Hellenistic Culture

Which concept is related closely with Hellenistic Culture?
a) Urbanization
b) armed conflict
c) isolation
d) cultural diffusion

Which lead is most closely associated with the accomplishment shown by Hellenistic culture
a) Charlemagne
b) Mansa Musa
c) Alexander the Great
d) Suleiman the Magnificent

Which contribution listed below is from ancient Rome?
a) concept of zero
b) making silk
c) Republican government

The importance of the Code of Hammurabi and the Twelve Tables is that they
a) established legal principles
b) created democratic governments
c) provided religious freedom
d) promoted equality for all classes

How did Rome fall?
a) barbarian invasion
b) they didn't fall

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