Physical Science Question Preview (ID: 40627)

Review Of First Semester Physical Science. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Discovering new data to satisfy our curiosity about the universe.
a) Pure science
b) applied science
c) experiment
d) scientific method

Factor that is adjusted by experimenter
a) independent variable
b) dependent variable
c) hypothesis
d) control

Organized set of investigation procedures used by scientists
a) experiment
b) scientific method
c) applied science
d) hypothesis

Occurs when an object changes position relative to a reference point
a) distance
b) speed
c) motion
d) negative acceleration

Occurs when something is speeding up
a) constant speed
b) negative acceleration
c) positive acceleration
d) force

The force that opposes the sliding motion of two touching surfaces.
a) force
b) gravity
c) projectile
d) friction

force acting towad the center of a curved or circular path
a) gravity
b) elastic potential
c) centripetal force
d) horizontal motion

the ratio of the output force to the input force
a) potential energy
b) mechanical advantage
c) gravitational potential
d) force

Energy stored by something that can stretch or compress
a) elastic potential
b) chemical potential
c) mechanical energy
d) kinetic energy

Negatively charged particles
a) protons
b) electrons
c) conductors
d) insulators

A closed path that electric current follows
a) electric circuit
b) insulator
c) conductor
d) electric current

Current that contains two or more loops for current to flow through
a) magnetic field
b) series circuit
c) parallel circuit
d) electromagnet

A repeating movement or disturbance that transfers energy through matter or space
a) trough
b) rarefaction
c) compression
d) wave

The measure of energy in a wave
a) wavelength
b) rarefaction
c) medium
d) frequency

The first step in the scientific method is
a) research
b) ask a question
c) form a hypothesis
d) gather and analyze data

On a graph, which variable is always on the x axis?
a) independent variable
b) dependent variable
c) control
d) none of the above

The principle that electric charge can not be created nor destroyed
a) Law of motion
b) law of thermodynamics
c) law of conservation of charges
d) law of electricity

The wire coil of an electromagnet
a) megnetic field
b) solenoid
c) series circuit
d) parallel circuit

Energy that is stored
a) kinetic energy
b) potential energy
c) mechanical energy
d) gravitational potential

First scientist to formulate laws to describe how objects move
a) Ohm
b) Newton
c) Darwin
d) Watt

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