Marine Biology Semester Exam Review Question Preview (ID: 40619)

First Semester Midterm Exam Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following ocean basins is the largest?
a) Artic
b) Indian
c) Atlantic
d) Pacific

A notochord is
a) the head and thorax fused together
b) radial symmetry
c) appendages near the mouth that maneuvers food into it
d) flexible supportive rod that runs the legth of some organisms' body

Hermit crabs are real crabs.
a) True
b) False

Brittle stars are nocturnal
a) True
b) False

The term gastro means
a) back
b) stomach
c) head
d) foot

A stinging cell used to sting and entangle prey is
a) a haploid cell
b) a spicule
c) a diatom
d) a nematocyst

The relationship between two species where at least one of them benefits is
a) photosynthesis
b) meroplankton
c) symbiosis
d) sponging

A decomposer is
a) a photosynthetic organism
b) an organism that breaks down organic material into useful nutrients
c) an organism that results from sybiosis between a fungus and algae
d) another name for algae

A special organ that allows an organism to scrape food into their mouth
a) chromatophore
b) radula
c) bysaal threads
d) spicule

Term referring to the top or back surface of an animal
a) dorsal
b) ventral
c) caudal
d) medial

What does haploid mean?
a) A cell that has double the normal chromosomes
b) a cell that has paired chromosomes
c) a cell with no chromosomes
d) a cell with half the normal chromosomes

what does the term phytoplankton mean?
a) plant-drifting
b) plant-eating
c) plant-producing
d) plant-seeking

which organisms are warm-blooded
a) ectotherms
b) endotherms
c) both
d) neither

The powerhouse of the cell
a) nucleus
b) chloroplast
c) mitochondria
d) cell membrane

Where photosynthesis occurs
a) nucleus
b) chloroplast
c) mitochondria
d) cell membrane

What substance in marine animals is used for energy storage?
a) carbohydrates
b) lipids
c) proteins
d) enzymes

What is the boiling point of water?
a) 312
b) 32
c) 100
d) 212

Percent of the Earth's surface covered by seawater
a) 72
b) 80
c) 75
d) 25

The process of shedding and replacing an exoskeleton
a) nudibranch
b) sponging
c) molting
d) osmosis

Waves in the ocean represent a flow of
a) energy
b) water
c) life
d) cells

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