Ender's Game Test 1 Question Preview (ID: 40610)

Ender's Game Test 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) Adaptable, persuadable, tractable
b) To invalidate by a later action or a higher authority; to abrogate, annul, revoke, or repeal
c) Lying on the back, face or front upward; reclined
d) To dissect the living body

a) To invalidate by a later action or a higher authority; to abrogate, annul, revoke, or repeal
b) To dissect the living body
c) Serving to make a fault, offense, appear less serious
d) To give up or put aside voluntarily; to give up by formal declaration; to repudiate or disown

a) Lying on the back, face or front upward, reclined
b) To give up or put aside voluntarily; to give up by formal declaration; to repudiate or disown
c) Generously or abundantly, without reservation or limit
d) Having or showing a strict regard for what one considers right; principled

a) Having or showing a strict regard for what one considers right; principled
b) To dissect the living body of
c) To try to equal or excel; imitate with effort to equal or surpass
d) Horrible; gruesome; formidable; grim

a) Serving to make a fault, offense, appear less serious
b) Horrible; gruesome, formidable; grim
c) Adaptable, persuadable, tractable
d) To invalidate by a later action or a higher authority; to abrogate, annul, revoke, or repeal

a) To invalidate by a later action or a higher authority; to abrogate, annul, revoke, or repeal
b) Lying on the back, face or front upward; reclined
c) To give p or put aside voluntarily; to give up by formal declaration; to repudiate or disown
d) To dissect the living body of

a) Generously or abundantly, without reservation or limit
b) To dissect the living body of
c) Serving to make a fault, offense, appear less serious
d) To give up or put aside voluntarily; to give up by formal declaration; to repudiate or disown

a) To give up or put aside voluntarily; to give up by formal declaration; to repudiate or disown
b) Generously or abundantly, without reservation or limit
c) To try to equal or excel; imitate with effort to equal or surpass
d) Having or showing a strict regard for what one considers right; principled

a) Having or showing a strict regard for what considers right; principled
b) To try to equal or excel; imitate with effort to equal or surpass
c) Horrible; gruesome; formidable; grim
d) Adaptable, persuadable, tractable

a) Horrible; gruesome; formidable; grim
b) Adaptable, persuadable, tractable
c) To invalidate by a later action or a higher authority; to abrogate, annul, revoke, or repeal
d) Lying on the back, face or front upward; reclined

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