Three-Digit Addition Question Preview (ID: 40603)

Addition With Regrouping. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) 831
b) 813
c) 721
d) 7121

a) 712
b) 713
c) 703
d) 731

a) 1587
b) 848
c) 858
d) 758

John had 629 dollars. He got 289 dollars for his birthday. How many dollars does John have now?
a) 918
b) 917
c) 460
d) 808

There were 527 animals at the zoo. The zoo was given 299 more animals. How many animals does the zoo have altogether?
a) 716
b) 825
c) 8116
d) 826

a) 275
b) 357
c) 25
d) 375

a) 836
b) 637
c) 837
d) 838

623 students ate a school lunch. 46 students ate a lunch from home. How many students ate lunch in all?
a) 669
b) 670
c) 696
d) 1083

a) 651
b) 660
c) 661
d) 662

What is the name of Mr. Huffman's dog?
a) Daniel
b) Coffee
c) Rover
d) Kofi

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