Solar System Question Preview (ID: 40576)

Solar System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Mars atmosphere is composed mostly of _______________.
a) carbon dioxide
b) nitrogen
c) oxygen
d) nitrogen

Areas of the Sun that appear cooler than surrounding areas.
a) sun spots
b) prominences
c) solar flares
d) solar wind

These are eruptions on the Sun
a) solar flares
b) prominences
c) solar wind
d) sunspots

What is the process in which two hydrogen atoms become one helium atom?
a) Nuclear Fusion
b) Nuclear Fission
c) Convection
d) Radiation

What is the process in which two hydrogen atoms become one helium atom?
a) Nuclear Fusion
b) Nuclear Fission
c) Convection
d) Radiation

What are the percentages of hydrogen and helium in the Sun?
a) 75% hydrogen, 25% helium
b) 50% hydrogen, 50% helium
c) 25% hydrogen, 75% helium
d) 90% hydrogen, 10% helium

What two factors are very import when determining if humans could exist on another planet?
a) Planets rotation rate and planets mass
b) Planets rotation rate and volume
c) planets mass and gravity
d) planets gravity and color

Where does nuclear fusion occur?
a) core
b) radiation zone
c) convection zone
d) photosphere

What percentage of the solar system is found in the Sun?
a) 99 %
b) 90 %
c) 75 %
d) 50 %

What percentage of the sun is made of hydrogen?
a) 99 %
b) 90 %
c) 75 %
d) 50 %

Pluto is now considered to be a _____________ planet.
a) dwarf
b) small
c) large
d) gas

According to Scientists, what is the age of the solar system?
a) 4.6 billion years
b) 4.6 million years
c) 4.6 trillion years
d) 6 thousand years

How many miles in a light year?
a) about 6 trillion miles
b) about 250,000 miles
c) about 93,000,000 miles
d) about 25,000 miles

What is an astronomical unit?
a) the distance between Earth and the Sun
b) the distance between Earth and the Moon
c) the distance between Sun and the Pluto
d) the same as a light year

What is the circumference around the Earth?
a) about 25,000 miles
b) about 93,000,000 miles
c) about 250,000 miles
d) about 6 trillion miles

What is the distance between the Earth and the Sun?
a) about 93,000,000 miles
b) about 25,000 miles
c) about 250,000 miles
d) about 6 trillion miles

What is the distance between the Earth and the Moon?
a) about 250,000 miles
b) about 25,000 miles
c) about 93,000,000 miles
d) about 6 trillion miles

Which other planet is most similar to Earth in mass and volume?
a) venus
b) mars
c) mercury
d) pluto

Where does most of the carbon dioxide on Earth and Mars originate?
a) volcanoes
b) oceans
c) atmosphere
d) plants

Which inner planet does not have an atmosphere
a) mercury
b) venus
c) earth
d) mars

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