8th Grade Semester Question Preview (ID: 40574)

Class Expectations/procedures. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

To get the teachers attention, students will
a) raise his/her hand
b) blurt out I need help!
c) sit there quietly
d) point to his/her nose

Students waiting to enter the classroom will line up
a) across the hall, to the left of the lab along the wall
b) in front of the 6th grade lockers
c) in front of the 7th/8th grade lockers
d) in the middle of the hallway

If you need to ask for permission to go to the restroom, you should
a) hold up the sign language symbol for R
b) raise your hand
c) hold up your pencil
d) hold up the sign language symbol for T

In order to quiet the class and get their attention, the teacher will
a) hold up her hand without speaking
b) yell at the students to quiet down
c) say give me 5
d) who are we kidding, 8th graders never get noisy?!

If you need to sharpen your pencil, you will
a) hold up your pencil and wait for teacher to give permission
b) get up without asking
c) throw your pencil to a student sitting near the sharpener
d) use your teeth to sharpen your pencil

Students must wait until _____________ to leave the classroom at the end of block
a) the teacher dismisses his/her table
b) the bell rings
c) other tables leave
d) sTeVie dismisses his/her table

Students will receive a ___________ for correctly answering questions, following all directions and working well, etc.
a) You're Doing Great
b) Reminder
c) 1st Strike
d) 2nd Strike

If you student is not following procedures or expectations, such as talking while the teacher is delivering a lesson, that student will first receive a
a) reminder
b) you're doing great
c) 1st strike
d) 2nd strike

When announcements come on, students should ___________
a) be silent and LISTEN!
b) keep talking quietly
c) be silent but zoned out
d) keep talking loudly

The number one responsibility of the teacher is to keep you
a) safe
b) engaged
c) learning
d) sleeping

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