US History (reg) Midterm (2) Question Preview (ID: 40358)
History 1877-Present.
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Long term causes of WW I
a) Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism
b) Militarism, Economic depression, Imperialism, Nationalism
c) Militarism, assassination of the Archduke, Imperialism, Nationalism
d) Militarism, sinking of the Lusitania, Imperialism, Nationalism
Negative effect of helping Panamanian rebels against Columbia
a) Latin American governments didn't trust the US
b) Shortcut from Atlantic to Pacific
c) Huge amounts of material could be moved
d) Large numbers of vessels could pass through the canal easily
How did Sanford Dole help the US become a world power?
a) Seized power in Hawaii
b) Wrote newspaper articles
c) advocated colonies
d) Led a group of Senators favoring expansion
What was the Platt Amendment?
a) Amendment to Cuban constitution allowing American intervention
b) Amendment ensuring Cuba would be free
c) Amendment annexing Cuba
d) Amendment to leave Cuba as soon as the war with Spain was over
Why was imperialism popular?
a) America wanted to open new markets
b) America wanted to spread democracy
c) America felt we should have colonies like Britain
d) America felt it was against the democratic system to rule over others
Why did immigrants come to the US
a) Opportunity and freedom
b) fewer hardships
c) welcomed by nativists
d) received government support
How did labor unions feel about immigrants?
a) Felt they would take jobs
b) Felt cost of housing would go down
c) Hoped growth would bring more cultural events
d) Wanted new foods and traditions
What was the purpose for Ellis Island?
a) Screen and process immigrants
b) Screen and process rresidents
c) Screen and process children
d) Screen and process migrants
What did the Social Gospel Movement do?
a) Attempted to help the poor
b) Entered politics
c) Fought segregartion
d) Converted Catholics
Goal of the Populist Party
a) Increase availability of money (silver)
b) Unrestricted immigration
c) End segregation
d) Lower taxes
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