Algebra Review Ch 1 Question Preview (ID: 40344)

Final Review - Erie High School - Algebra I. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Evaluate expression when y = 16 y + 9
a) 24
b) 7
c) 25
d) -25

Evaluate expression when y=16 and z = 4 y/z
a) 1/4
b) 4
c) 16
d) -4

Write two to the seventh power as a repeated multiplication
a) 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
b) 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
c) 2 x 7
d) 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2

Evaluate three to the third power
a) 9
b) 3
c) 18
d) 27

Evalute the expression 90 / 5 + 4
a) 10
b) 9
c) 180
d) 90

Evaluate the expression 70.2 + 4(3.5)
a) 83.2
b) 82.2
c) 84.2
d) 77.7

Evaluate when r = 4 and s = 6 3.5s + r
a) 24.5
b) 25
c) 25.5
d) 26

Evaluate when r = 4 and s = 6 4r + s(squared)
a) 24
b) 36
c) 48
d) 52

State the absolute value -78
a) 87
b) -78
c) 78
d) -87

Find the sum 43 + (-22)
a) 65
b) -21
c) -65
d) 21

Find the difference 5 - (-16)
a) 21
b) -11
c) 11
d) -21

Find the product -25(-30)
a) 55
b) 650
c) 750
d) -750

Find the quotient 700 / (-35)
a) -10
b) -20
c) -20
d) -18

The x coordinate goes left to right
a) True
b) False

The y coordinate goes left to right
a) True
b) False

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