Science - Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow Question Preview (ID: 40330)

Science For Sixth Grade - Tectonic Plates And Fossils. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

While digging in the side of a mountain, a scientist found a fossil that resembled a sea shell. Choose the BEST explanation for the fossil discovery.
a) Someone lost the fossil and dropped it while hiking up the mountain.
b) Millions of years ago some sea animals lived on land.
c) Millions of years ago there was an ocean where the mountains exist today.
d) The scientist was mistaken about the fossil resembling a sea shell.

Which of the following would prove MOST useful in the relative dating of a fossil?
a) Salt
b) Humidity
c) Rock Layers
d) Calendars

What causes the motion of the tectonic plates?
a) ocean waves and currents
b) heat from inside the Earth
c) the rotation of Earth on its axis
d) the vibrations from earthquakes

What evidence did Alfred Wegener use as evidence for drifting continents?
a) pictures of the Earth from space over the past 50 years
b) the distance between the continents over 100 years
c) fossils of reptiles and seed fern found on different continents
d) the location of the edges of the tectonic plates

The Earth is made up of three basic layers. Choose the answer that describes the layers of the Earth.
a) core, mantle, and crust
b) magma, rock, and soil
c) igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary
d) iron, magma, and tectonic plates

The center of the Earth is:
a) Molten lava
b) Magma
c) Solid
d) Gaseous

By collecting and plotting earthquake data, students should be able to learn:
a) the amount of damage caused by earthquakes in 8 weeks.
b) what caused the earthquakes in each area over 8 weeks.
c) the number of people affected by the earthquakes over 8 weeks.
d) where earthquakes occurred most frequently over 8 weeks.

The earthquakes occur:
a) along the borders of the tectonic plates as they move into one another. (The plates rub together)
b) where there are deposits of molten magma below the surface.
c) where the ocean and the continents come together and collide.
d) when they are located in the same area as volcanoes and mountains.

Choose the answer that BEST describes conditions at the plate edges that result in a volcanic eruption.
a) Plates collide causing cracks or holes where magma and gases push up from deep inside the Earth.
b) Plates remain stationary while gas and magma build up pressure.
c) Plates rub back and forth against one another
d) Plates vibrate from earthquakes causing cracks or holes where magma and ash erupt.

Choose the BEST answer that explains why the Earth behaves like a magnet.
a) Large deposits of iron ore at the Earth’s poles create a magnetic field.
b) The Earth has a hard metallic core, convecting mantle, and outer crust.
c) The convection currents of Earth’s outer core create a magnetic field.
d) The compass needle aligns with the lines of force in Earth’s magnetic field.

Choose the BEST explanation that describes how a compass helps travelers find direction.
a) The compass always points north
b) It always points where you want to go

What makes the tectonic plates move?
a) Heat from inside the earth
b) Solar energy moves the plates
c) The ocean currents

When two continental plates collide
a) The oceans get larger
b) a tsunami is formed
c) mountains are formed
d) continental plates do not move

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